Blood Sugar Now Averages 75

I have had diabetes for at least 10 years. I take insulin pills every day, and my blood sugar was always too high. I thought my wife and son were nuts because they were having outstanding things happen to them after drinking the coffee with the Ganoderma Lucidum in it. Then I finally tried some of the coffee with the Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder in it, one a day. Within a week of drinking one cup of this healthy coffee a day, my blood sugar went down to 50. It’s now about a month later, and my blood sugar averages a healthy 75. My doctor was amazed that my blood sugar was so good. I told him that all I did was to drink this coffee. He’s researching it himself now.

My wife has also noticed that my Parkinson’s Disease tremors seem to be much, much less at night when I’m lying down in bed since I’ve been drinking this healthy coffee.

– ML, Colorado

Drastically Reduced Blood Pressure

I had a heart attack in 1998, and I had a stint put in in early 1999. In early 2010, for at least 2 weeks I was exhibiting symptoms of another heart attack, with chest pressure and numbness in my arms when someone gave me some of the black coffee with Ganoderma Lucidum in it to drink. I had taken my blood pressure that day and it was about 187 over 124. After drinking one cup of this coffee before I went to bed, the next morning my blood pressure was 134 over 74. The numbness went away, the chest pressure went away. I drink my coffee every day! Sometimes more than once! And a cup of the Organic Green Tea with Ganoderma Lucidum at night, too.

– JL, Colorado

General Sense of Well-Being in Otherwise Healthy Person

I have no serious problems that I am aware of. I drank coffee maybe 5 times a year, but lots of green tea. I have been drinking all the varieties of the ganoderma lucidum beverages since May and I like them all, depending on the mood I am in. I feel my energy is steady, my joints don’t ache, my appetite seems more balanced and my organs don’t ache either. I really like to share this wonderful ganoderma lucidum with everyone. It is a great coffee alternative and it is so much more affordable!
Violet – Colorado

8 Year Old With Mood Disorder

Hi! My name is Rebecca and I am 8 years old. My mom took me to see her friend who gave me some hot chocolate and some pills to take. I am usually afraid of new things and I really don’t like school because there are too many people there. When I was 5 I had to go to the children’s hospital because I thought I was going to die all the time. They gave me medicine so that I could go back to my regular school but some of it made me feel really weird. I mean REALLY weird!!! I took medicine for a few years or so. But I always was feeling weird and my brain couldn’t work right. I tried to pay attention in school but I was scared and I wanted to not go there anymore. But my mom said I had to so I did.

So after I started getting help from another person I started to feel better. Then, I got to drink the hot chocolate. I like to put extra chocolate syrup in it to make it sweeter. My mom makes it for me every morning and I get to drink it on the way to school. I also have to take some pills. I don’t really like to do that but my mom told me that they would help my brain feel better and work better because I don’t take any of the medicine that made me feel weird anymore. I’ll tell you a secret – sometimes I wet the bed but I think that I will stop doing that soon!

Rebecca, age 8 – CO

Notes from Rebecca’s mom:
Rebecca was diagnosed with BiPolar disorder at the age of 5 after a hospitalization in the psychiatric ward of our children’s hospital. She had to be in day treatment until she stopped trying to injure herself. It was the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. She has been on Zoloft, Abilify, Clonidine, and a few other anti-depressants. Each time we thought they were working, she had to have an increase in her dosage. The side effects of all of the drugs left her with a “dozy” demeanor, 30 extra pounds of weight and a feeling that she was “broken.”

Finding these products has been wonderful. I see my little girl happy and able to cope with life as the sweet, sensitive child she is. I am looking forward to watching her progress!

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Prozac

Hi! I am a 40 year old mama of 2. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in the beginning of 2003, six months after my oldest daughter was born. I have been taking prednisone in various doses ever since then. I also tried: methotrexate, minocin, remicade, enbrel, and humira. I am currently taking orencia and prednisone. While I was pregnant with my youngest child, I developed gestational diabetes which never resolved itself. Just recently, fibromyalgia got added to my “list.” I was beginning to think that I was eventually going to be a mass of autoimmune disorders.

I was introduced to ganoderma through a work friend and have been drinking it for about 6 weeks now. I was not a coffee drinker but have fallen in love with the OrGano King of Coffee and like it so much that I usually drink it black! I also take the spores once a day.

The thing that I have noticed the most is that I have been able to bring down my dose of prednisone from 10mg to 4mg! My joints do not look red or feel hot and my morning stiffness is diminished to the point where I can move pretty well when I get out of bed. I am a week away from getting my orencia infusion and do not feel anywhere as tired and sore as I have in the past.

Another thing – I was taking prozac for an anxiety disorder (had been for about 5 years) and no longer need to take it. I do not have the moments of panic and waiting for something bad to happen any more. It has been about a month since I had my last dose of the prozac and I don’t think that I’ll ever need to take it again!

Laura M – Colorado

Lupus, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, Scleroderma and Polymyositis

I am a 41 year old mother with lupus, mixed connective tissue disease, scleroderma and polymyositis. I was diagnosed in September 2008 with the lupus and MCTD. In December 2008 we added the scleroderma diagnosis, and in July 2009 we uncovered the polymyositis. I have been on prednisone since September 2008, and methotrexate (chemotherapy) and azathioprine (immune-suppressive) since August 2009. I began needing to use an electric wheelchair in September 2009 to get around my house.

I also have Raynaud’s syndrome.

I began using OrGano Gold products in February 2010. After two cups of the gourmet latte, I had improvements in the skin on my cheeks. My mood improved as well, and since then, I have gone into remission on all four autoimmune disorders. I am starting to rebuild my strength, my joints don’t hurt as much, and on the whole I’m just in a better mood. My Raynaud’s attacks have also decreased in frequency and severity.

I take the OrGano Gold Spore Powder, Mycelium and Ganoderma pills every day, and I also drink at least one beverage a day. I love these products and will probably take them for the rest of my life.

Oh! And I’m down to 4 mg/day on my prednisone instead of 60! Yay!

– Sarah R, CO

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